Get the Course

Transform your ADHD
into your SuperPower

  • Leverage your unique brain style differences for all-round success
  • Channel surplus energy effectively and be magnetic
  • Access the power within you to become a true innovator

Plus +

New tools and strategies to help you focus to get things done and manage your energy levels.

Get the Course Today!

Are you caught up in the stigma of ADHD trying to eliminate or fix your ‘symptoms’?

Do you believe that true happiness can only be achieved by ‘getting rid’ of your diagnosis?

Are you engaging in self-sabotaging and self-destructive behavior patterns?

Oh... the misconceptions
with ADHD

ADHD is often surrounded by a cloud of misconceptions. Perhaps you've encountered the prevailing notion that this diagnosis is exclusive to children, leaving you with the false expectation that you should have "outgrown" it by now.

Maybe you've grappled with your symptoms, fostering the belief that something is inherently wrong with you..

Ever found yourself yearning for a more "normal" existence, thinking it's the key to success?

And, like many, you might think medication
is the only answer.

If no one has told you lately…

You do not have anything wrong with you.

You do not need to get rid of your ADHD.

You are not using your diagnosis for excuses…

It's time to re-write your ADHD story.

You possess the power to harness your ADHD for personal growth. By cultivating a heightened awareness of your distinctive strengths, you can boost your self-esteem and break free from
destructive patterns.

All it takes is a fresh perspective to transform your ADHD
into your very own superpower.

If this sounds good to you,
then promise me one thing

From this moment forward, you’ll leave all those misconceptions behind and walk away from trying to treat yourself ‘OUT’ of ADHD. 

You have the power to transform what you thought were your biggest flaws into your greatest strengths. It's all about steering towards a richer, more purposeful and successful life by tapping into your unique self.. 

This means no more self-sabotage or negative self-talk. No more sitting in the passenger's seat and watching life go by. And certainly stop trying to be someone you’re not in order to fit into a mould.

Everything you need is inside the

Harnessing The Power of ADHD course:

A self-reflective course to help you discover your ADHD strengths and navigate life
with more confidence.

This course is going to help you turn challenges you attribute to your diagnosis into
opportunities for growth and success.

By actively engaging in the course, you'll find that it goes beyond merely addressing the challenges of ADHD; it also serves as a

valuable tool for enhancing executive functioning skills.

The activities are like a personalized roadmap to self-discovery, creating a mindset of presence, self-acceptance and empowerment.

Instead of getting caught up in the negatives or self-criticism, and black or white thinking,

you’ll learn to come from a place of self gratitude on what makes you uniquely awesome.

Packed with practical and experiential exercises, this course provides practical and innovative techniques that can significantly contribute to sharpening your executive functioning abilities, empowering you to

navigate various aspects of life with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Have a look inside the course

Harnessing The Power of ADHD

aims to support you so you can flip the script on ADHD and see your ADHD characteristics as strengths, rather than deficits. I will lead you through evidence based, research informed tips, new tools and techniques to help manage and improve your daily functioning while you uncover your hidden capabilities.

By the end of the course, you will have learned to accept and embrace your
ADHD and master your capabilities to move towards a more rich, full and
meaningful life!

Kickstart your transformative journey by redefining how you see your ADHD. Learn to leverage ADHD as a strength, understand the ADHD brain, and explore the six core ADHD strengths.

The Power of The

Discover the innovator within you. Embrace big-picture thinking, hone your natural problem-solving skills, and learn techniques for stepping back from overwhelming thoughts. Unleash your potential with a bonus meditation.

The Power of The

In this module we reflect on the exploration of The Seeker's strength. By understanding seeking tendencies, dopamine management, gratitude practice, and SMART goal-setting you can embrace ADHD as an asset, not a deficiency, and learn to integrate your seeking nature with purpose.

The Power of The

The module addresses the struggle of operating in low-stimulation environments, akin to driving a Ferrari in city traffic. The module emphasizes understanding and regulating energy levels, ensuring control while achieving success and self-fulfillment. Special bonus lesson teaches you how to master breath control so you can significantly improve mental and emotional well-being.

Power of The

In this module, we will explore one of the most powerful aspects of ADHD - 'The Lazer,' also known as hyperfocus. If you’re struggling with distractions, you’ll learn how to set yourself up for success by redirecting your hyperfocus and attention in a meaningful way so you can sustain concentration without burnout.

The Power of The

We'll explore the extraordinary strength of The Sensor, a heightened sensory awareness that, when harnessed, becomes a superpower in various aspects of life. In this module you’ll learn how to manage sensory overload. Explore the sixth sense with a bonus lesson on mindfulness of emotions.

The Power of The

Become a networking pro with the connector module. Embrace self-compassion, fine-tune your communication skills, and find balance. Enhance your connector strength with a bonus Metta meditation.

The Finale - Bringing It All

Recap your journey, synthesize your ADHD strengths, and celebrate your transformation. Unlock your potential and experience a reduction in symptoms by harnessing and enhancing your strengths. You will discover the next steps to a richer, fuller, and more meaningful life.

Enroll Now!

Meet Your Guide

Meet Stephen Souter

an influential Australian psychologist with a pioneering spirit in the exploration of ADHD and a dedicated champion of the strengths-based, neurodivergent affirming approach.

Stephen is the creative force behind "Thrive with ADHD", an innovative platform designed to transform the lives of individuals with ADHD through empowerment and education.

His unique approach combines the latest findings in ADHD research with practical, real-world strategies to help participants navigate their challenges and harness their potential. 

Beyond his role with Thrive with ADHD, Stephen brings a rich background spanning over a decade in the field of psychology, during which he has become a respected figure in ADHD and neurodiversity advocacy. He currently runs a successful therapy practice based on the Gold Coast, Queensland and his career has spanned many roles, including one-on-one therapy, supervising other psychologists, creating and facilitating group programs, and consulting at schools, universities, and various governmental and non-governmental organizations. As a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Stephen also extends his practice to teaching others about the value of incorporating a holistic approach to mental wellbeing.

Originally trained to view ADHD as a deficit, Stephen's perspective shifted as he started to recognize the often-untapped strengths and capabilities of his clients with ADHD. Acknowledging and nurturing these strengths, rather than trying to "conquer" them, brought noticeable positive changes in his clients' lives. His work is characterized by compassion, warmth, and accessibility, making him a sought-after speaker on ADHD and neurodiversity.

His mission is to equip neurodiverse individuals with the tools necessary to confidently navigate life, while ensuring their differences are acknowledged, appreciated, and celebrated. Through his work with Thrive with ADHD and his broader contributions to the field, Stephen continues to be a guiding light for individuals with ADHD, their families, and the professionals who support them, for a more inclusive, empowering approach to living and thriving with ADHD.

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Choose the Right Option for You

  • Complete Lifetime Access to the Program
  • 8 Modules of Course Content
  • 45 Video Lessons
  • 34 Downloadable Worksheets with over 160 Helpful Exercises and Tools
  • 8 Downloadable ADHD-Friendly Guided Mindfulness Audio Lessons
  • Lifetime Access to Digital Downloads
  • Everything in ADHD Strengths Package , Plus
  • PLUS ONE  1-on-1 Video Sessions Directly with Stephen (45 min each)
  • 6 Months Access to Monthly live Q&As
  • Everything in ADHD Strengths Package Plus
  • 12 Months Access to Monthly live Q&As
  • PLUS 2 x 1-on-1 Video Sessions Directly with Stephen (45 min each)

Satisfaction Guarantee

I know the material in this course works and works well… but I also know you can’t know that for sure until you’re inside the course. That’s why you can join now, watch the videos, try out the exercises, and go through the process for 30 days… and if after that you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email us for a full refund.


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